Chord Searcher is a program that allows users to search up chords on an ukulele or a guitar. The program was meant to teach users how to play chords on different instruments. Chord Searcher could also be used to encourage people to learn a new skill of playing an instrument.
The program first indicates what instrument the chords will appear by the image on the screen. If the user would like to switch from the ukulele to the guitar, and vice versa, they may click on the “Change Instrument” button on the bottom of the screen. The user can search up a specific chord on the instrument by typing it out, where capitalization does not matter. When the user searches it up, the chord chart will appear. If the user would like to change the instrument, they have the option to do so by clicking on the “Change Instrument” button. When the button is clicked, the instrument indicator on the top right and the chord chart changes. The user can also go back to the search screen to look up other chords.
From doing this project, I was able to use what I learned from the course and utilize Javascript to create it. With taking ICS 314, which is currently teaching me Javascript, I feel like there are improvements that can be made to the code to improve the logic behind it.